Our portfolio

Forestal San Pedro


Afforestation (removals)

Collaborates with local landowners to restore forests previously destroyed by agriculture.

  • Project type:

    Afforestation (removals)

  • Project status:


  • Methodology:


  • Project area (ha):


  • Validator:

    Tuev Nord Cert GmbH (Tuev Nord)


UN Sustainable Development Goals:

Forestal San Pedro is a FSC® certified (FSC® C169494) reforestation initiative carried out on formerly degraded cattle ranching land in eastern Paraguay. Commercial tree species are planted on land deforested decades ago and converted into pastures or commercial agriculture. The tree component enables additional income to be earned through sustainable timber production and carbon credits.

The FSC certification brings about a credible mechanism to ensure that no indigenous trees are cut to make way for the plantation and that appropriate safeguards are in place to protect water and biodiversity in the area. The project cooperates with local landowners and beef producers by establishing Silvopastoral systems, meaning the trees and cattle are combined in the same area. It is undertaken under a joint management scheme and benefit-sharing agreement and increases the overall income for traditional cattle ranchers, allowing a sustainable intensification and diversification of the beef sector.

Project developer

Forestal San Pedro S.A.

Forestal San Pedro S.A. is a forestry company, established and fully owned by Arbaro Advisors, a Germany-based investment advisory company, that was established by the UNIQUE Group (a leading international forestry consulting firm) along with Finance in Motion (a leading impact investment asset manager).


The first instance of the grouped project is located in the province of San Pedro and Canindeyú.

Our impact

The project increases income for traditional cattle ranchers through the development of plantations on land that was severely degraded by cattle ranching. The project uses commercial tree species while ensuring the protection of indigenous trees.

  • Number of hectares under conservation


  • Tonnes of CO2 sequestered from the atmosphere


    The project expects to remove 800,000 tonnes of CO2e from the atmosphere over its lifespan.

  • Number of carbon credits issued


    159,000 credits issued in 2021

  • Numbers of trees conserved and planted

    >3.3 million

    More than 3.3 million trees conserved and planted

  • Number of people benefiting from the project activities

    The project co-operates with 10 local landowners and has established 23 smaller plantations with smallholders on adjacent land

  • Local employment opportunities

    For every 1000 hectares planted, 20 full-time jobs are created